Today I am 44 years old. I don't know what 44 is supposed to feel like, but I don't think I feel like what I thought 44 felt like when I was 22. I feel good. I'm not in the same shape I was at 35, time seems to give less results for the same output. But I can still do everything I want to. For my birthday this year I am giving myself a gift. I'm giving myself permission. Permission to have people in my life that I trust Permission to remove people from my life that hurt me, mistreat me, ignore my feelings or in any way directly make me feel less than who I am. Fortunately for me, there aren't very many people that fall into the category, I can think of 4 right now. Permission to laugh as loud as I want. Permission to wear what I want, even if I don't like my upper arms. (don't panic I'm not talking hot pants and crop tops ) Permission to live my life, with Riddick, as we see fit. No one else really needs to like it. Peace Bacongal...