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Showing posts from March, 2013

We love the same people

But that doesn't make us friends.  My open hearted kindness often leads folks that don't know me too well to think that perhaps I'm weak or easily controlled. That is a huge error in judge ment.    One of my personal ethics is to do my best to go through this beautiful life doing the best that I can and causing as little pain as possible.  That doesn't mean I'm just a smile and silence and a source for money.  I have feelings, opinions, flaws, fears, oddities just like anybody else.  It's painful to realize in the course of everyday life that there are people that you share loved ones with, that should be, but will never be your friends.  In fact they are a bigger source of discomfort for the simple reason that they do love some of the same people and therefore have access to your heart. So all I can do, is all I can do, which is continue to do my best to love like I mean it, live like I mean it, and pray like I mean it, for my own guidance ...

All that I am

I am smart, funny, insecure, loyal, short, groovy, irritating, spoiled, employed, kind, logical, cheap, focused, distracted, difficult, easy going, insightful, forgiving, honest. I am not mean, deceitful, vengeful, skinny, secure, shaken, hated, envied, errant. The first list makes me sound like a Labrador Retriever, actually the second list does too.